
segunda-feira, 2 de março de 2020

Antes do Mindstorms... MIT, LEGO e as experiências... (Parte II) - Before Mindstorms ... MIT, LEGO and the experiences...(part II)

Este período ficou de igual modo registado em teses e outros documentos. Seguem-se alguns documentos (em inglês) com relevância para compreensão deste processo de investigação, quer tecnológico quer pedagógico.

This period was also recorded in theses and other documents. Following are some documents (in English) with relevance for understanding this research process, both technological and pedagogical.

Behavior Construction Kits
Mitchel Resnick
Epistemology and Learning Group
The Media Laboratory
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

"To mindstorms and beyond: evolution of a construction kit for magical machines"
Computer Science

(sobre o model 120 - Red Brick - Manual completo (1994 e seguintes) )
The Programmable Brick Handbook
Frédérick Martin

(sobre o  Pocket Programmable Brick (1993 to 1995))
The programmable LEGO brick : ubiquitous computing for kids
J. R. Sargent

(sobre o Electronic Bricks (1989 to 1991))
Microdevelopment of co-construction of knowledge during problem solving : puzzled minds, weird creatures, and wuggles

(sobre o 6502 Programmable Brick (1987 to 1989))
Using LEGO Robots to Explore Dynamics

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